.ie help changing a value in table
here is the html code of the web page <input onkeypress="EnterKeyLeaves(this.id,event);" onblur="LeaveTextBox(this.id, 'tblARecords_0_hlPointsto', 'tblARecords_0', 'arecord', 'data',...
View ArticleHow to convert batch file to .au3
Please help me.... My batch command>>>>> Plain Text expandcollapse popup@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion COLOR 0A mode con:cols=81 lines=20 cls echo harryKumar...
View Article_ArrayUnique on multiple columns
I'm wondering if there is a UDF or a function that can get the distinct values from a 2D array using multiple columns. I'm trying setup an excel output that can be trimmed and the distinct records...
View ArticleValidate Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
Hello, I'm currently working on a method that checks if a given date is valid. My solution looks like this: Func _Valid($Check) $match = StringRegExp($Check,"^(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})$",1) If...
View ArticleMissing separator character before keyword
I checked every topic about this problem i could find but nothing worked for me. http://prntscr.com/6nuu4b http://prntscr.com/6nuufg Could any1 help me with that?
View Articlewait for process
Hello guys i have problem with software for example i have to wait all script for one process when it appears and it is install file with .exe end and i need to shutdown my pc when that process starts...
View ArticlePic Script (Timeout)
Hi, I am trying to make a project and have left this unattended and for whatever reason when I come back it stops. Is it related to may be this...and if so how do I go about fixing it please....
View ArticleMapping arrow keys to Letters J,K,L,I
Hello, I wouldn't call myself an expert on Autoit, but I have frequently used it over the years whenever the opportunity presents itself as it did just now: While programming I find it quite...
View ArticleStringRegExp: extract Date from Pathname
Hi everybody, I'd like to extract the Date (Folder Name) from a path that is saved as Local Constant: Local $Date=0 Local Const $metaPath= @ScriptDir &...
View Article_ScreenCapture_SaveImage help saving image
ss() Func ss() Local $hBmp ; Capture full screen $hBmp = _ScreenCapture_Capture("") ; Save bitmap to file _ScreenCapture_SaveImage(@MyDocumentsDir & "\Image.jpg", $hBmp)...
View ArticleHow to emulate a 'sip:' shortcut, or Windows run 'sip:'
Hi, If I put sip:user@somewhere.com into "Run" on my Win8 machine, or make a shortcut sip:user@somewhere.com , and run it, it will open the default program that handles it, in my...
View ArticleStringRegExpReplace wildcard issues
Hi All, I'm trying to use the StringRegExpReplace function to replace a randomly placed string "data ignore value = unknown numbers", in multiple *my.txt files with "new stuff". I have been able to get...
View ArticleAutoit v cannot find MsgBoxConstants
Hi I have installed autoit v (because I want my programs to run on win2k?) and when I try to compile my script to exe it popups a message saying that it cannot find #include...
View Articleneed to run program and execute module
Hi, i need to run my program and execute other program in to process EX: i run my program "TEST.exe" and execute "notepad.exe" then it show "TEST.exe" only in 1 PID and 2 program can work i found...
View ArticleI'm a noob who need help
Hello, I have many tabs that I wish to "Print", they contain .swf files, they need to be printed in order, I can print them all at once but they come in disorder which not good for me. The tasks that...
View ArticleInclude using partial path
Is there a way to include a file without giving it a full path? EX if I have a script in @scriptDir\Scripts and I want to include it on a program that I have in @scriptdir I've tried a ton of...
View ArticleMake a random variables
Hello, I'm trying to make strings random in url. For example: Url is: http://google.com/?index.php?$variable1=15&variable2=20&variable=30and go on. I need to make them random like some times...
View ArticleLock .txt or.ini files
hay there i try to lock a .txt file so that nobody can read or edit it (I dont want to crypt the text inside). so that my script can store things in it but nobody can read or edit it is that possible?...
View ArticleHelp turning a script into a proper UDF
So one area I am lacking is "standardization" how the proper way to code, things like how to state variables etc. Yesterday I came up with what I thought was a neat little script that should be easy...
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