Hi everybody,
I'd like to extract the Date (Folder Name) from a path that is saved as Local Constant:
Local $Date=0 Local Const $metaPath= @ScriptDir & "\warra\2015\150128\procEagle\rad\EA_warra_test.meta" ;Local Const $Date= "20" & StringRegExp($metaPath, '([:digit:]{6})', 1) $Date= StringRegExp($metaPath, '(?:\)(\d{6})(?:\)', 0)
I want to get the 150128, to send it to a text file later
Send("Time:{ENTER}Date{TAB}" & $Date & "^s")
But no matter what I try, I get no matches (output '0' or nothing at all). Other operations are able to work with $metaPath.
Where is my error?
Thanks for replies.