Hi guys ,
did anyone know that , how can i use inetget and this script together ( script you see is for change computer pw )?!
Example() Func Example() ; Change the username and password to the appropriate values for your system. Local $sUserName = "Username" Local $sPassword = "Password" ; Run Notepad and wait for the Notepad process to close. Notepad is run under the user previously specified. Local $iReturn = RunAsWait($sUserName, @ComputerName, $sPassword, 0, "notepad.exe") ; Display the return code of the Notepad process. MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The return code from Notepad was: " & $iReturn) EndFunc ;==>Example
it's meant , i want Username , Password saved in .ini file and get from like : http://test.com/member.ini