Hello guys,
I'm coming from ahk, and a script of mine is interfering with a third party software causing it to crash hence why i decided to try autoit to see if the error occurs too
the problem is I have absolutely no clue how autoit works and i was wondering if a kind soul could convert those ahk lines of code to autoit and show me the way for further steps ?
$c:: { toggle:=!toggle if (toggle) { send, {c down} } else { send, {c up} SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\Windows Ding.wav } } return $v:: { toggle3:=!toggle3 if (toggle3) { send, {v down} } else { send, {v up} SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\tada.wav } } return $Space:: { toggle1:=!toggle1 if (toggle1) { send, {Space down} } else { send, {Space up} SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\chord.wav } } return $x:: { toggle2:=!toggle2 if (toggle2) { send, {x down} } else { send, {x up} SoundPlay, %A_WinDir%\Media\notify.wav } } return #persistent #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases_ #InstallKeybdHook #UseHook SetKeyDelay, 50, 50 $Numpad1:: { send {s Down} send {s Up} } return $Numpad0::d $Numpad3::F1 $End::h $Numpad5::F2 $Numpad4::F4 $Numpadenter::F3 $Del::l
thanks alot in advance for your help