Hi guys,
Here is my code that I have been using in most of my batch scripts to obtain default gateway and do simple if a equals b do c etc.
Does anyone have any idea on how to push these two lines into AutoIT? I have seen few topics talking about default gateway and how to get it but most scripts are 15+ lines which doesn't seem right.
I would really appreciate some help.
Here is my code that I have been using in most of my batch scripts to obtain default gateway and do simple if a equals b do c etc.
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('"ipconfig | findstr Gateway | findstr 10."') do set GW=%%i if "%GW%"=="" set SITECODE=BHR
Does anyone have any idea on how to push these two lines into AutoIT? I have seen few topics talking about default gateway and how to get it but most scripts are 15+ lines which doesn't seem right.
I would really appreciate some help.