FileOpenDialog wanting to show in "thumbnails" view
Hi is there a way to make FileOpenDialog  show the files listed in a "thumbnail" view by defaut without clicking on the "view menu" button to select "thumbnails' i'm working with images..     $var =...
View ArticleParse declaration line to find assigned variables only.
Is there a possibility with just a single regular exp<b></b>ression pattern to retrieve only $sEnd and $sStart? Thanks for your time. [ autoit ] Â Â Â popup#include <Array.au3> Local...
View ArticleScript worked on win 7 but not working on win 8
Hi everyone, I wrote a simple script that worked on win 7 but the same script doesn't work on win 8. I used "ShellExcute to" run an "exe" file which works fine! Later when i want to send {ENTER} to a...
View ArticleMouseclick in program does not work
Hey there community, I'm still new to this autoit scripting so bare with me. I've tried to make a script to work with the program called: BlueStacks. In this script I want it to click on some locations...
View Articleusing a folder by date
Is it possible to select a folder automaticelly by its creation time? I've made a batch rendering utility with AutoIT and it works great but its about to have a major overhall and I want to show the...
View Articlecan't see DebugBar if I open IE with _IECreate func
If I open IE manually in Windows by double-clicking its icon, it opens with the DebugBar bar and app visible and already open while if I open IE from the AutoIT function _IECreate, it opens without the...
View ArticleDefault Gateway, need to convert my batch script into AutoIT...
Hi guys, Here is my code that I have been using in most of my batch scripts to obtain default gateway and do simple if a equals b do c etc. for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('"ipconfig | findstr...
View ArticleActive Windows
Hello all Is there any way to check whether a media player window (e.g. VLC) is playing something or not. Would it have something to do with the WinActive Command?? Would greatly appreciate it if...
View ArticleSciTE Help
Hi All, Just after a little bit of help with debugging my script in SciTE. Usually when I press F5 (or hit Go from the tools menu) The program will run inside SciTE and I will be able to check errors...
View ArticleHow to break out the class in DOM using autoit?
Using the DOM stuff and need to pull out the innerTEXT of the class="sr tum" Here is what I am using so far with negative results..  I don't see a command for _IEGetObjByClass but that is what it looks...
View ArticleSolution? Convert %path% to full path!
I have a problem with path (% %) When the check is returned 0 means that the path does not exist! [ autoit ] Â Â Â popupConsoleWrite(FileExists("%SystemRoot%")&@CRLF) ;~> 0 So how to convert the...
View ArticleCreating txt files based on filenames and entering data into the txt files
I used AutoIt way back and I am wondering if this can help me with a tedious task. I have a folder with hundreds of media files that are named 'YEAR - NAME OF VIDEO - SOME HAVE EXTRA INFO AFTER THE...
View ArticleHow to access a single Link that has been corraled....
I have one single link pinned down in the last part of the program and I cannot figure out how to get access to it. Can someone help? ; This section works just fine and finds 201 links ;...
View ArticleRussian string causing issues
hey guys, so I have a rather large and complicated parsing script that has been working flawlessly for the last few months. recently I had a few clients look for Russian support to the parse, well upon...
View ArticleDebug with automatic highlight and scroll of current line?
Is there a debugging mode in SciTe that does automatic yellow highlight and scroll of/to the current processing line like in Automate (competitor of SciTe)? It could be a improvement of this:...
View ArticleHelp with Tray Menu, Left Click & Double Click
Hi, Hope someone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, fairly new to AutoIt but have done a few little tools for myself and what to do something a bit more complicated. I am trying to create a...
View ArticleToggle "Always On Top"
Hi, I can change the "winSetOnTop" attribute to get another specified window to be always ontop, but I would like to have a button in a gui that would simply toggle the current state. I don't see a...
View ArticleSend("{LWINDOWN}{x}{LWINUP}") doesn't work
Hey, Send("{LWINDOWN}{x}{LWINUP}") doesn't work... but it does work with other letters such as: {i} , {c} etc. #x -> also not working. Is it a familiar bug\problem? p.s: I'm working with win8 Thank...
View Articlemanage-bde.exe
I am trying to capture a simple script. Manage-bde.exe is a command line tool to enable bitlocker. From a dos prompt I would enter manage-bde.exe -on Z: -pw This says enable bitlocker on the Z...
View ArticleCompare Files (Filesize and Filetime)
Hi. I wanna compare (Filesize OR/AND FileTime(modified) ) for a few thousand files (40.000-50.000).I know a few ways for that but my problem is the time for that ...For 40.000 files, robocopy make 4-5...
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