Ok im probably guessing this will be a no but ill ask anyway
I have 4 small functions that are all for one task which is checking windows updates
These are the functions
It would be great if i could include the secondary functions in a sub func so that they are contained within the main function
This is just an example to give you the idea of what i mean
Its just a question does this exist in coding in general and hopefully AutoIT
I have 4 small functions that are all for one task which is checking windows updates
These are the functions
[ autoit ]
Func _CollectPatches() Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") #forceref $oMYError Local $objSearcher = _CreateSearcher(_CreateMSUpdateSession()) $colNeeded = _GetNeededUpdates($objSearcher) $objSearcher = 0 Return $colNeeded EndFunc ;==>_CollectPatches Func _CreateSearcher($objSession) If Not IsObj($objSession) Then Return -1 Return $objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher EndFunc ;==>_CreateSearcher Func _CreateMSUpdateSession($strHost = @ComputerName) Local $objSession = ObjCreate("Microsoft.Update.Session", $strHost) If Not IsObj($objSession) Then Return 0 Return $objSession EndFunc ;==>_CreateMSUpdateSession Func _GetNeededUpdates($objSearcher) SplashTextOn("Please Wait", "Checking For Updates", 220, 40, -1, -1, 18, "Tahoma", 11) If Not IsObj($objSearcher) Then Return -5 $colNeeded = $objSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'") SplashOff() Sleep(800) Return $colNeeded EndFunc ;==>_GetNeededUpdates
It would be great if i could include the secondary functions in a sub func so that they are contained within the main function
This is just an example to give you the idea of what i mean
[ autoit ]
Func _CollectPatches() Local $oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "MyErrFunc") #forceref $oMYError Local $objSearcher = _CreateSearcher(_CreateMSUpdateSession()) Func _CreateSearcher($objSession) If Not IsObj($objSession) Then Return -1 Return $objSession.CreateUpdateSearcher EndFunc ;==>_CreateSearcher Func _CreateMSUpdateSession($strHost = @ComputerName) Local $objSession = ObjCreate("Microsoft.Update.Session", $strHost) If Not IsObj($objSession) Then Return 0 Return $objSession EndFunc ;==>_CreateMSUpdateSession $colNeeded = _GetNeededUpdates($objSearcher) $objSearcher = 0 Func _GetNeededUpdates($objSearcher) SplashTextOn("Please Wait", "Checking For Updates", 220, 40, -1, -1, 18, "Tahoma", 11) If Not IsObj($objSearcher) Then Return -5 $colNeeded = $objSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'") SplashOff() Sleep(800) Return $colNeeded EndFunc ;==>_GetNeededUpdates Return $colNeeded EndFunc ;==>_CollectPatches
Its just a question does this exist in coding in general and hopefully AutoIT