Increase the hour range in Date/DTP control
Can I increase the hour limit in my Date control? I have tried this: [ autoit ] popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include...
View ArticleHelp With Image Search
Hi i have downloaded the every available imagesearch.au3 and the dll file but it does not seem to work. I have tried both bmp format image and png format image. I use windows 7 home premium. 64 bit....
View ArticleTEAMVIEWER and [CLASS:BuddyList; INSTANCE:1] ? What this is ?
This control is used by TeamViewer Documentation what I found is: Do any body know more about that control ?
View ArticleFunction within a func ?
Ok im probably guessing this will be a no but ill ask anyway I have 4 small functions that are all for one task which is checking windows updates These are the functions [ autoit ]...
View ArticleDllCall with C++ not returning correct values &/| not working
I have been scanning the forum threads with a little success, but haven't found the answer to the issue I have. I'm sure this has been asked & answered before, but here goes. I am the developer of...
View ArticleQuestion about events in eventlog.
I have been looking on topics here to find some way to have a program/script monitor eventlogs in real time, but had come up short. Any one have any idea where to look or id there are some api or...
View ArticleText or Background Color Change
Here is a script we currently use. Mgmt is now wanting the text and/or background to change color instead of the Font changing size. Is there a way to do this? #include <Date.au3> #include...
View Article[SOLVED] StatusBar - SetBkColor - for one part
Is there any way to SetBKColor for one selected part in StatusBar ?
View ArticleStringRegExp doubt
Hi guys, I need your help. I have a text file and I want to capture the contents using regular expressions. The way the text is so. [ autoit ] popup/ / First line, all this after "/ /" are...
View Article__XMLGetField returns no fieldnames
Hello forum members, I try to understand the functions in _xmldomwrapper, and make some example scripts to understand the outcome. When I use the _xmlgetfield function, i get a count of 10 fields, but...
View ArticleHelp, i can't send an email through autoit! i get the error: 4 - Unable to...
I'm trying yo make it send an email through email, any chance someone could help me by typing everything out? I always get error 4 - Unable to create socket how do you fix that. #include...
View ArticleHow to separate an input string
I am trying to read in a file and display/change in in a gui. When I read in the file I'm reading it a line at a time. I need to separate out the information on the line and put the correct information...
View ArticleRecFileListToArray
Hello all I was just looking at the RecFileListToArray UDF written by M23, and have got a little confused about the syntax of the parameters, would anyone be able to explain these to me?? Thanks in...
View ArticleHttpSetUserAgent User Agent String.
I use this... [ autoit ] popup; HttpSetUserAgent User Agent. Local Const $aOSArch[2] = ['32', '64'] ConsoleWrite('AutoIt/' & @AutoItVersion & ' (Windows NT ' &...
View Articlefile delete detection
Hi Anyone can help me on how to intercept any file deletion operation on an HD? I need to log any files deleted in a specific HD. I think this is something like antivírus intercepting writes, reads,...
View ArticleHelp File won't display
Hello all, I'm a long time AutoIt user but have not written a acript in a few months. In any event, I opened SciTe today to modify an old script of mine and in the process i needed help on a function,...
View Article_FFFormSubmit not working
I'm trying to script commands to a command line for a text-based MUD that runs in a firefox window. I can get text to appear in the text box, but I can't get it to submit. It's weird because I'm able...
View Articleworksheet select dialog
I have an excel spreadsheet that I want to be able to select which worksheet to process - much like a file select dialog but for which worksheet I want to process/open. Is there a command to do this or...
View ArticleOutlook Template automation
Hello, I am trying to open an Outlook template, edit the contents depending on user input, and then generate a message with the updated information. So far, I have been able to take care of everything...
View ArticleRun Command Syntax
i am trying to add a network printer with a script. i can do it with a batch file but i am trying to use autoit. _RunDos("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\" & $inputComputer "/n\\" &...
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