Hello forum members,
I try to understand the functions in _xmldomwrapper, and make some example scripts to understand the outcome.
When I use the _xmlgetfield function, i get a count of 10 fields, but no names are coming up in the table.
When I take a good look to the function, I don't understand it at some points.
the variable $objchild is being used, but I don't see why.
$objChild is empty, I think it has to be $objNodeList.childNodes.item($x) for giving the fileds
For $x =1 to $count
$objChild = $objNodeList.childNodes($x)
If $objNodeList.parentNode.nodeType =$NODE_DOCUMENT Then
$szNodePath="/"&$objNodeList.baseName &"/*["&$x&"]"
$szNodePath = $objNodeList.baseName &"/*["&$x&"]"
Are there maybe newer versions of the _XMLDomWrapper? Is there a good tutor to help with this one?
Thanks in advance.
I try to understand the functions in _xmldomwrapper, and make some example scripts to understand the outcome.
When I use the _xmlgetfield function, i get a count of 10 fields, but no names are coming up in the table.
When I take a good look to the function, I don't understand it at some points.
the variable $objchild is being used, but I don't see why.
$objChild is empty, I think it has to be $objNodeList.childNodes.item($x) for giving the fileds
For $x =1 to $count
$objChild = $objNodeList.childNodes($x)
If $objNodeList.parentNode.nodeType =$NODE_DOCUMENT Then
$szNodePath="/"&$objNodeList.baseName &"/*["&$x&"]"
$szNodePath = $objNodeList.baseName &"/*["&$x&"]"
Are there maybe newer versions of the _XMLDomWrapper? Is there a good tutor to help with this one?
Thanks in advance.