Hey Noob here but im trying to do the following;
Run notepad put some text in then attempt to save as.
But when I want to save as I want to have a predefined name and file extension in the scipt.
i.e. Save as: Chocolate.csv, or ihatechess.txt
Can anyone help?
; Run Notepad
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
Send("This is some text.")
WinClose("Untitled - Notepad")
;WinWaitActive("Notepad", "Save")
[Here I want to control the save as box. e.g. SAVE AS: Chocolate.csv]
Run notepad put some text in then attempt to save as.
But when I want to save as I want to have a predefined name and file extension in the scipt.
i.e. Save as: Chocolate.csv, or ihatechess.txt
Can anyone help?
; Run Notepad
WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad")
Send("This is some text.")
WinClose("Untitled - Notepad")
;WinWaitActive("Notepad", "Save")
[Here I want to control the save as box. e.g. SAVE AS: Chocolate.csv]