I have a few autoit questions that I would like to have answered. Please read...
How would I make an autoit script detect the file version of a file through dropbox. (2nd question) How would I change the file version with autoit? thanks for reading this, k9lego. What I want to...
View ArticleMessageBox Help
SplashImage won't stay on the screen? #Region ;MsgBox features: Title=Yes, Text=Yes, Buttons=Yes, No, and Cancel, Icon=Question If Not IsDeclared("iMsgBoxAnswer") Then Local $iMsgBoxAnswer...
View Articlehow to automate when there are flash players
I opened picasaweb.google.com and i automated till uploading but after uploading it asks for "select photos from your computer" but it is flash player which is inside the frame....please help me how to...
View Articleneed help with a small problem in my algorithm
Hello, i worte a algorithm that reed this log file for example: QuoteDup 2.30 by Donald Graft/Klaus Post, Copyright 2003-2007 Dup: frm 0: Using frm 20 Dup: frm 1: Using frm 20 Dup: frm 2: Using frm 20...
View ArticleNotepad Save as ...
Hey Noob here but im trying to do the following; Run notepad put some text in then attempt to save as. But when I want to save as I want to have a predefined name and file extension in the scipt. i.e....
View ArticleRead lines from a specific point in a pdf?
Hey all,I am trying to open the below file which I can.I then go to the power consumption section using ctrl + f Here I want to read the next 4-5lines from the pdf and have them paste into a notepad-...
View ArticleMy for loop isn't looping?
Sup autoit forums! I'm trying to make a loop to search values from an array into another array [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include <file.au3> #include <array.au3> Dim...
View ArticleHide .exe extension from icon
Noob here! When I compile a script the icon created shows the .exe file extension and I was wondering if there is anyway to remove that. In my opinion it makes the icon look bad. Thanks for your time...
View ArticleHelp with _IsPressed only active when in a certain field box
I am trying to work between two separate applications where if a control box in application 1 is selected, via the {END} button, it will send the contents over to application 2. The contents it is...
View ArticleGetting the location of a favicon from link
trying to use this udf http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/124330-htmlau3-v101/page__hl__%2Bfavicon but the _HTML_Get() function is almost always returning an empty string. Especially if the link...
View ArticleHowto get group description with AD.AU3
Hello, i would like to get some AD information i get a csv file with the group list to proceed my audit. i want to generate an csv file with : AD.AU3...
View ArticleOutput lies!
Scite's console is telling me that a method switch is not declared, but it obviously is. I think this may be one of those moments in giant script where my brain has decided to stop working. That... or...
View ArticleCan you guys please help me making simple code for keystroke?
I have no knowledge of programming so I can't really code myself Please make me a script for simple keystrokes T.T I want to make it to press f1 f2 f3 f4 simultaneously when I press f1 so if I press...
View Articleloop with sleep and stop the loop
Hi , is tthere any way to stop the sleep when it sleeping? when i set the sleep a bit long like > 1 min, and I wnt to stop the program it wont stop ..i guess because the sleep still going. here is...
View Articlehas the TCPRecv() command finished to receiving data ?
hello, If i use TCPRecv($Socket, 2048) but TCPSend() transmit more than 2048 bytes, i lose data. Is there a way to know when the TCPRecv() command has no more data to read from a single TCPSend()? for...
View ArticleSend a Ispressed before the key is... registerd?
Okay, guys i know this sounds a little confusing by the title... but i got a question and i cant figure out anyway i can do this. You know, the ispressed feature? I have ispressed set to T; and the...
View ArticleAutoIt Executable Startup Comparison
Hello, I'm having trouble trying to have my Executable build only perform certain actions based upon if it is named a certain way. For example, if say when I start up the application it is named...
View ArticleWorks with Hotkey but not Ispressed?
Okay, so i got this... [ autoit ] popup;Script that works using hotkeys HotKeySet("b", "replace") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func replace() Send("c") EndFunc That piece of script (^) makes it...
View ArticleSQLite fail to load Database
I wander what is my code problem, it keep fail to load database in win7. The Error code _SQLite_Open() shows 1. I try search the meaning of error code 1 in google and get knew that its means "Error...
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