trying to use this udf
but the _HTML_Get() function is almost always returning an empty string. Especially if the link is in a sub domain(?)
I'm horrible at regexp so I'm not sure how it's searching to fix the problem. Or maybe there is a better way to get the full path to a favicon?
but the _HTML_Get() function is almost always returning an empty string. Especially if the link is in a sub domain(?)
I'm horrible at regexp so I'm not sure how it's searching to fix the problem. Or maybe there is a better way to get the full path to a favicon?
[ autoit ]
#include <_html.au3> Local $url[3] $url[0] = "[url=""][/url]" $url[1] = "[url=""][/url]" $url[2] = "[url="¤tPLP=true&omni=c_Screen"]¤tPLP=true&omni=c_Screen[/url] Doors&searchNav=true" For $i = 0 to UBound($url)-1 $sHTML = _HTML_GetSource($url[$i]) $sIconURL = _HTML_Get($sHTML, "link", "href", "image/x-icon", "type") MsgBox(0,$url[$i],$sIconURL) Next