I'm having an issue with the following statement:
When I run the script the command prompt reports the following:
So it looks like the issue is with the declaration of the program path. I am pretty sure that I should be using 3 quotes on each side of the string, but I'm not having much luck looking for info on declaring variables ... and maybe that's not the issue anyway.
Would appreciate some suggestions of things to try.
I'm having an issue with the following statement:
$PID = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /k " & """C:\Program Files\ECIClientV6\StartClient.bat""")
When I run the script the command prompt reports the following:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
So it looks like the issue is with the declaration of the program path. I am pretty sure that I should be using 3 quotes on each side of the string, but I'm not having much luck looking for info on declaring variables ... and maybe that's not the issue anyway.
Would appreciate some suggestions of things to try.