USB Controll SSR?
Helloo I have this heating element i want to controll with a SSR (Solid State Relay) for those ho dont know what that is, so is it just a relay that only needs 3-32volts to activate the relay (switch...
View ArticleI want to create an Autoit script that can detect and install the java on pc
I want to create an Autoit script that can detect and install the java on pc 1) following the java, and do not install it should automatically download the java (silent mode) and install java (silent...
View ArticleHow can i check gave directory is wright or not?in brows input.
How can i check gave directory is wright or not?in browse input. [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include...
View ArticleError with RunWait
Hello, I'm having an issue with the following statement: $PID = RunWait(@ComSpec & " /k " & """C:\Program Files\ECIClientV6\StartClient.bat""") When I run the script the command prompt reports...
View ArticleSmall Array Problem (Negative Numbers)
Hi i was practicing with an array trying to generate a random fictitious name for a company like this [ autoit ] popup#include <Array.au3> ; [ 0 1 2 3 4 ] [ 0 1 2 3 4 ] [ 0 1 2 3 4 ] Local...
View Articleautoit info cannot recognist any IE8 controls
I keep getting controls being IEframe and not finding any other controls like buttons or input boxes - just one big frame - do I need to change IE options?
View Articleinifiles and IF
Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to exitloop base on a value in an inifile? [ autoit ] popupIf IniRead($iniwarning, "Master", "msg") = "" then exitloop Somthing like the "code" over?
View Articlemove over all Firefox windows and set text
Hello, I have serval firefox windows open (some of them has the title: "Mozilla Firefox"). I want to move to all of them (meaning, bring them to front), insert some text, and then send {^s}. How I can...
View ArticleEncoding Problems
Hello all Im having a little trouble with this script: [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3>...
View ArticleFind ObjId when shown up?
Hello everyone I'm a new user of AutoIT and i would like to create a script for my school project, so it'll be easier for me to present my school project. I have made a Grocery website for my school...
View ArticleHow To Save (web action)
Hey guys I am trying to login to a site and then export data using the 'export' button within the site which will basically export/save some .csv file. Now I have gone through the steps correctly and...
View ArticleRemove string after x
Hi community the title is explicative, hqo to delete a string after a character? This is what i have do: [ autoit ] popup$aArray[4] = [4, 'Atext & PAnotherU & Dontoer_HKSCS', 'Fatang...
View ArticleRe-press a $button within a Function
Hi folks...I have a script with about 6 + functions in them that gets activated by pressing ONE button in a while/wend loop. This $Button has a function that it calls .i.e. Start()... the Start() now...
View ArticleScreen Resolution Change
Ok folks after a discussion with m23 im posting this differently. I have a software called ksetup now for me to setup this software I need to use a variety of Send, Mouseclick & mousemove...
View ArticleCheck if something executes correctly?
I am trying to return a value of 1 = pass, 0 = fail. But I dont know if my winexists is the correct function to use? Is there a function that after I run my command and it was successful that I can...
View ArticleRead Lines and Search String
I would like to read html body as lines and then look for a text that follows after a particular string Starting it like so: [ autoit ] popup#include <IE.au3>...
View ArticleRead MPQ type of file
c++: How to write by AU3?
View ArticleError Handling
Hi Folks, I am creating a script to download a link from a webpage and uses lots of "send" keys - I understand there are mouse functions which I can use, but that will require me to spend more time to...
View ArticleWinSetState Chrome
Hi folks I trying to find solution how to Restore or Maximize my minimized Chrome explorer So far this doesn't work 4 me: [ autoit ] popupWinSetState("[CLASS:Chrome_WidgetWin_1]",...
View ArticlePssuspend not working when cmd hidden
Hello everyone! I've had a good search but can't find an answer, hope this isn't an annoying noob question I'm trying to use pssuspend to suspend a program while the script runs which works perfectly...
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