My dashboard has all the stuff grayed.. so I apologize for not encapsulating the code.. Does anyone know why this is shut down.. is it just for me.. Did I do a NO NO and cannot post code??
Here is the questions:
The loop below produces all the Spans just like clock works..
However I really only need the 4th Span... I have tried various things but none so far have worked... Can someone help me with this..I have a couple of things I have tried below.. and as you can see it is the html I need for the Span.. I have already worked with the TEXT in the one above which is fine..
Local $oSpans = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'SPAN')
For $oSpan In $oSpans
ConsoleWrite($oSpan.innerTEXT & @LF)
This is the only thing I need......
Local $oSpan = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'SPAN')(4)
Local $oSpan = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'SPAN')[4]
ConsoleWrite($oSpan.innerHTML & @LF)
Here is the questions:
The loop below produces all the Spans just like clock works..
However I really only need the 4th Span... I have tried various things but none so far have worked... Can someone help me with this..I have a couple of things I have tried below.. and as you can see it is the html I need for the Span.. I have already worked with the TEXT in the one above which is fine..
Local $oSpans = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'SPAN')
For $oSpan In $oSpans
ConsoleWrite($oSpan.innerTEXT & @LF)
This is the only thing I need......
Local $oSpan = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'SPAN')(4)
Local $oSpan = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, 'SPAN')[4]
ConsoleWrite($oSpan.innerHTML & @LF)