Hey folks,
Im trying to send a string to a file box then click open, to open that file.
So I want to send a path like "C:\Users\desktop\file.olo etc
But sometimes the keyboard rushes it I presume as it can be seen sometimes as
C;\user\dsahfao\ahf.oafo or something mad like that. So the program essentially got it wrong
if displays an error box once open is clicked...obviously.
But would can I includ in the bottom code to: Print an error and then restart the function all over again?
If (ControlSend("[TITLE:" & $ExternalTitle & "]", "", "Edit1", $file)) Then ControlClick("[TITLE:" & $ExternalTitle & "]", "&Open", "Button2", "left", 1) Sleep(500) Else ACRAOutputError("Function timed out while trying to load the file!") EndIf