Unable to script for entering account number in a field
Hi guys New to Autoit and this forum. Hoping to get some quality advice here. I am trying to write a script that will open a website in IE and enter an account number and do a search. I can get as...
View ArticleString sent...right/wrong?
Hey folks, Im trying to send a string to a file box then click open, to open that file. So I want to send a path like "C:\Users\desktop\file.olo etc But sometimes the keyboard rushes it I presume...
View ArticleMove mouse to object in scrollable div
Hello AutoIT Community, I am trying to right click a link in a div that is not viewable before scrolling down, but I have no more ideas left how to reach that goal. Here is what I currently do: -...
View ArticleLaunch of local exe fails
Has anyone run into this issue... I have a script that does the following (in short): Run("RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess " & 1) ShellExecuteWait($InstallPath &...
View ArticleAnyone ever automate a google spreadsheet?
Curious if anyone has ever attempted to hook into google's spreadsheet app like you would for excel?
View ArticleMuting announcements in VLC Player
Greetings, I am trying to achieve the following (see description in code window below). If I remove the Do/Until loop, then the Window Title detection works fine and I get through to the message box....
View ArticleRead indexes of a SysHeader32 control
I've tried using _GUICtrlHeader_GetItemText("[CLASS:SysHeader32; INSTANCE:1]", 0) on a windows app, but it keeps returning an empty string. There should be at least 8 indexes to read from. I've tried...
View ArticleImage Filters / Graphical Effects ?
i searched the forum, but didn't find anything. has anyone an idea or ever done it with autoit ? simple image transforming, like sharpness, brightness, blurring etc. ? maybe, does gdiplus.dll...
View ArticleLoop throught a folder of files?
Hey Guys, Ive a file that I open and do all sorts of things with it. But my script only works when I do it for 1 file. How would I get it to: rerun through the tasks after Ive finished dealing with...
View ArticleHeadphone connection
Hello all Is it possible to detect whether headphones have been inserted. I'm planning to write something which runs a command in this case Thanks in advance p.s. I'm running Windows 7
View Articleexcel - find next available empty cell in a particular column
Hey guys, been trying to find if it's possible to find the next empty cell in Excel. I have a program that writes several rows of data, but I need it to find the next empty row to use. I can search...
View ArticleMacro @FavoritesCommonDir shows wrong path
Hi everybody, I've an issue with the macro '@FavoritesCommonDir'. It shows the same path as '@FavoritesDir'. When I run this #include <Array.au3> Local $Array[2][2] =...
View Article_WinAPI_RegisterRawInputDevices
Hello I need help about _WinAPI_RegisterRawInputDevices (from WinAPIEx.au3) The helpfile for this func says _WinAPI_RegisterRawInputDevices ( $pDevice [, $iCount] ) $pDevice = "A pointer to an array of...
View Articleuse STDoutRead to log progress from robocopy
Hi, Before i start i would like to say that i already used the forum search option, and yes there are a few topic talking about this. but in non of them i did found the answer to my solution . Back...
View ArticleDetect application
Hello, I'm new to this forum. I'm trying to make a script which will move and click mouse (in specific location) and click some keyboard keys. My main question is: how do I make script to move...
View ArticleNeed help with pulling specific data in a table on a website.
Hey All, I'm creating a script that is tracking reference numbers on a website. The information when tracked comes back in an array. It's pulling the references from an Excel sheet already and I...
View ArticleWindow randomly gets focus
Hello, I've made simply script which sends key to a window which works fine... but window sometimes gets focus (window is a full screen app, so it maximizes, which is annoying). Do you have any idea...
View ArticleHow to tell if oIE is running so I can navigate if running or create if not...
I am well familiar with determing what window oIE is running.. but how to tell if its up and running..PERIOD.. so if its running.. I can navigate and if not I can create...$title = "Boom"Local $oIE =...
View ArticleInserting Word text (with pictures) in an Excel cell
Hi ! I'm looking for a solution to "paste" a Word document's content into an Excel cell. I need that nor the Word file and Excel file appear on screen during the operation. Has anyone already done...
View ArticleA little help from my Autoit friends
Hi. I'm not sure if what I am trying to violiates the terms of this forum, and if it does I applogise. But I'm sitting in a position at work, where I daily need to create users in our systems. I have...
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