thank you for your time and help. How can I do the following process:
in a specific foler (let´s say folder name is Data) I have a lot of .mdb files, and more are created every day. I need to read the latest one, so, I´m thinking of copying it to always the same file name using the line comand copy "file".mdb myfile.mdb /y (/y switch is to overwrite without prompting).
"file" is the last file created on the Data folder. How do I know which file is the latest one every time?
More info:
I have, for example, 1515_May27 file as the latest file, in 2 hours (or any other time), I will have 2020_May27 file, tomorrow, I will have 1515_May28 4040_May28
so, today, I need to:
copy 1515_May27.mdb myfile.mdb /y
in 2hours, I need to
copy 2020_May27.mdb myfile.mdb /y
copy 1515_May28.mdb myfile.mdb /y
and later
copy 4040_May28.mdb myfile.mdb /y
that is, I will be reading myfile.mdb all the time, but that will be created by copying from a different source every time, the source will be the latest file created on the Data folder. How do I know which is the latest file on the folder?
need help with the script pls.
Thx a lot!!