help with my iexplorer guard script..
Hey, so I have created a script that upon detection of iexplore.exe process (internet explorer) it will ask for an input password: If ProcessExists ("iexplore.exe") Then WinWait...
View Articleautomatic highlighting in Scite doesn't work for short words like "$x"
It appears that if, and only if, you select a 3+ characters long word SciTe automatically highlight all the (other) matches of that word. Do you confirm that it's designed to not work for 1 and 2...
View ArticleTrigger javascript event on website?
I'm working on a little monitoring script for my website, but I need to test the save function a few times as it has been tending to glitch out a little. I was thinking about AutoIt triggering "save()"...
View ArticleIf then else statement on _WinWaitActivate
AutoIt expandcollapse popup_WinWaitActivate("Message","") Send("{ENTER}") Sleep(5000) _WinWaitActivate("Control Center - AAA1Turo1Intraday","") Func _Au3RecordSetup() Opt('WinWaitDelay',100)...
View Articlearray range exceeded
hi guy i have table with 1000 product i want the last id number i do a script in this mode _SQL_Startup() $Db_mail = _SQLite_Open($percorso_mail_DB)...
View ArticleHelp Needed Please on file management.
Hello, thank you for your time and help. How can I do the following process: in a specific foler (let´s say folder name is Data) I have a lot of .mdb files, and more are created every day....
View ArticleScite Bug on saving
@jos and others, i installed the latest Scite Version 3.3.0, Mar 30 2013 17:50:01 there is a slight but annoying bug. when i alter and save a script, the "undo" header button grays out, instead of...
View ArticleSimple Question about mouse
Hello guys, Usually, when you want to operate some kind of mouse action on not focus windows you can use ControlClick. This time I need to mouse hover "MouseOver" a particular place, not click (or...
View ArticleMacroGamer Update/Upgrade
Hi Guys, Not sure if many of you are aware of MacroGamer but it is a complex Autoit script that does a lot of cool things. Only problem is I'd like to edit it to include a screen pixelsearch but it...
View ArticleTextbox that closes again
Hello all I'm pretty new to Autoit, so this might be a newb question, i have searched google, and the forum here, and can't really find the awnser I'm looking for, or I'm just not "skilled" enough to...
View ArticleCan Autoit create a Hostname?
Is there a way to assign a name to an ip using autoit? (without a hosting service eg _createhost(@ipaddress1,"")
View Articleopposite of _IsPressed??
So i understand _IsPressed and ive used it a few times before. Currently im trying to figure out how to do if any other key is pressed besides the one its looking for. Plain Text expandcollapse...
View Articlehow to break infinite loop by an Events ?
Hi. How to break a infinite loop by an Event ? My Code... Global $StopButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Stop", 430, 420, 70, 30) Global $stopButtonRC = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($StopButton, "Stop") Func...
View ArticleProgress Bar doesn't recognize the installation procedure
Hi all, I'm really new in this family, so be patient please. I've did a lot of research in this forum and tried to find the solutions myself...until now I want to run an msi and hide the window....
View ArticleProgress bar for each execution of file completed?
Based on the help file, the example of the progress bar is progress with "sleep(1000)" which is 1 second. Any idea to create a progress bar for each of my file execution complete? Case $msg =...
View ArticleReading Excel content
I'm trying to read the content of my Excel. I have merge 2 standard exampel with a small modification. Exampel #1 is FileOpenDialog.au3 Exampel #2 is _ExcelReadSheetToArray.au3 The excel document is...
View ArticleIE Control
Hey, I'm looking for a way to login to my website using autoit (proof can be given that I own the said website) read the contents of the page and if a certain bit of html is found on the page it needs...
View ArticleGet process user level
How could I check the running privileges of a process? I mean if it's System level, Local service, Network service or simply user-level. Just like in the task manager
View Articlescript for disable/enable LAN and wireless and vice versa
I search a script for switching between LAN and WLAN. It enables your LAN connection and disables your WLAN connection if WLAN is active, and vice versa. if anyone can help in this. Thank you
View ArticleRegExp - optimize --> ReduceSpaces()
I have got this simple function for reduction of more than 3 spaces to only two spaces ConsoleWrite(ReduceSpaces(' abc def 1 2 ')& @CRLF) ConsoleWrite(ReduceSpaces('a b c d e')& @CRLF)...
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