Hi all,
I'm really new in this family, so be patient please.
I've did a lot of research in this forum and tried to find the solutions myself...until now
I want to run an msi and hide the window. because an silent parametet did'nt not work with this installer.
The installation didn't run with the command "Run", so I did an"ShellExecute".
The installer runs, and the ProgressBar runs and ends before the installation has finished.
Here is my snippet:
$_PID = ShellExecute('msiexec', '/i "IBM SPSS Statistics 21.msi" /qb LICENSETYPE=Network LSHOST=XXX.XXX.de COMPANYNAME=XXX COMMUTE_MAX_LIFE=3 TRANSFORMS=1031.mst /norestart /l* "\\XXX\MACHINE\LOG\SPSS21\' & $Logfile & '.txt" ', $srcdirx86) WinWait("Windows Installer") WinSetState("Windows Installer","", @SW_HIDE) ProgressOn ( "Progress Bar", "Installation von SPSS 21", "Bitte warten..." ) While ProcessExists ( $_PID ) $_DirSize = DirGetSize ( $programdirx86 & '\IBM' ) If $_DirSize Then $_Percent = $_DirSize*100/816492021 $_Percent = _Max ( _Min ( $_Percent, 99 ), 1 ) ProgressSet ( $_Percent ) EndIf Sleep ( 100 ) WEnd ProgressSet ( 100, "Abgeschlossen !" ) Sleep ( 2000 ) ProgressOff ( )