I used auto record and it gives me the code shown below:
When I executed, the mouse move around real fast and double click on areas that I don't needed. Also once you executed and it move/click elsewhere; everytime when you open internet explorer; it acts up. Can someone give me a hand here? My goal is
Note: This test website is build in flash so everything here is flash like the menu, the login.
1. Open Internet Explorer (IE9).
2. Negivate to my favorite toolbar and click on favorite site called "Self Service Portal".
3. Click User Login Button. There's a pop-up window asking for user/pass.
4. Enter user name / password
5. Negivate to a drop down menu called "Test Page"
6. Click on the button called "Test"
#region ---Au3Recorder generated code Start (v3.3.7.0) --- #region --- Internal functions Au3Recorder Start --- Func _Au3RecordSetup() Opt('WinWaitDelay',100) Opt('WinDetectHiddenText',1) Opt('MouseCoordMode',0) EndFunc Func _WinWaitActivate($title,$text,$timeout=0) WinWait($title,$text,$timeout) If Not WinActive($title,$text) Then WinActivate($title,$text) WinWaitActive($title,$text,$timeout) EndFunc _WinWaitActivate("Program Manager","FolderView") MouseMove(143,884) MouseDown("left") MouseMove(144,884) MouseClick("left",398,80,2) MouseClick("left",398,80,1) MouseUp("left") _WinWaitActivate("MyWebsite :: MyWebsite - Windows Internet Explorer","Address Combo Contro") MouseClick("left",402,88,1) _WinWaitActivate("Self Service Portal - Windows Internet Explorer","Address Combo Contro") MouseMove(110,307) MouseDown("left") MouseMove(112,309) MouseClick("left",112,309,2) MouseDown("left") MouseMove(115,314) MouseUp("left") MouseClick("left",540,320,1) _WinWaitActivate("Windows Security","Remember my credenti") Send("{SHIFTDOWN}a{SHIFTUP}sianqueen{SHIFTDOWN}2{SHIFTUP}test{TAB}{SHIFTDOWN}a{SHIFTUP}ka5{ENTER}") _WinWaitActivate("Portal Integration - Windows Internet Explorer","Address Combo Contro") MouseClick("left",163,192,1) MouseClick("left",134,215,1)
When I executed, the mouse move around real fast and double click on areas that I don't needed. Also once you executed and it move/click elsewhere; everytime when you open internet explorer; it acts up. Can someone give me a hand here? My goal is
Note: This test website is build in flash so everything here is flash like the menu, the login.
1. Open Internet Explorer (IE9).
2. Negivate to my favorite toolbar and click on favorite site called "Self Service Portal".
3. Click User Login Button. There's a pop-up window asking for user/pass.
4. Enter user name / password
5. Negivate to a drop down menu called "Test Page"
6. Click on the button called "Test"