Font size in a control
On desktop I click in a Properties and in Appearance tab there is an option Font Size = Very Large in My program I have a button and for this button I use GUICtrlSetResizing(-1, $GUI_DOCKALL)...
View ArticleFileCreateShortcut problems on Windows 7 64bit
Hi, I have a strange problem when my 32bit script is run on a 64bit machine. Firstofall: the same code works fine for 32bit machines. This is supposed to be one 32bit script running with administrative...
View ArticleGet Div Properties.
hey Guys/Girls. I have been at this one for a while and slowly snailing forward but Im stuck. Is it possible to obtain the name of a div? <iframe name="THIS IS WHAT I AM AFTER" id="BlueLake">...
View Articlehelp with scripting
I used auto record and it gives me the code shown below: #region ---Au3Recorder generated code Start (v3.3.7.0) --- #region --- Internal functions Au3Recorder Start --- Func _Au3RecordSetup()...
View ArticleActive directory - Given Last,First find username
Hey all, Been doing some work with AD. I am able to return specific info given a username. However, I want the input to accept a format of "LastName,FirstName", search AD for a match and return the...
View Articlecraigslist renewing posts -- triggering HTML forms
searching for craigslist on the general help and support forum and looking at some of the existing posts, I can figure out how to get to the HTML on my CL account page. Once I find a listing that has...
View ArticleInclude all files and folders in a script
I'm working on a new script to include all files and folders from a target folder and install them into Windows\Temp. I looked at the help files in AutoIT and tried to use FileInstall with \*.* but...
View ArticlePopulate ListView from txt file
Hello, I've done quite a bit of sifting through the forums, but have had no luck. I'm trying to figure out how to populate a ListView from a txt file. The ListView is only one column... The name of...
View ArticleBeetween " replace
Hi \o/, This is possible ? I want to replace the words between " Example: Send("hello") to Send(_StringEncrypt(0, "CE799A989735BFE8AB68", "thi", 1)) I have a code, but i need to select the words .. Has...
View ArticleIE.au3 Problem with click on the input
Hi. I don`t know how click in this input. <input type="submit" value="submit1"> I must click in this input because form have got javascript, which start after click. When I click appears popup...
View ArticleLastIndexOf ("\") ?
I think the function I need to use is StringSplit, but not 100% sure How to I get the file name and extension from a full path being sent though the command line argument as $CmdLine[1] ? I would...
View ArticleScript to close an app
Here is the code I am working with [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include <Timers.au3> ;Declare the Timer: Global $TIMER = TimerInit() While 1 ;If this application is active then reset...
View ArticleGDI+ draws graphics relative to GUICtrlCreateGraphic location
When a GUI contains a graphic control created by GUICtrlCreateGraphic, all GDI+ graphics are drawn relative to the upper left corner of the graphic control. This example script demonstrates the issue....
View ArticleRegWrite trouble
Trying to make a script that will stop windows from auto installing devices, Got the idea from this link......
View ArticleExcel.au3 UDF help
Hi All, I am trying to use the Excel.au3 UDF to process an Excel file, just to read from it. However, I cannot open the file at all. @error was set to 1. This is on a Windows 2003 Server machine...
View ArticleInteracting with a local and virtual machine
I've been ruminating on the solution to this problem... but I can't figure out how to do this. Here's the deal: A random user logs into a VMWare pool. The pool spawns a computer with a random name....
View ArticleSmall StringRegExp Problem
Going on from some previous work in another thread i started trying to write a regex Its obviously not working so ive come back to throw myself on your charity again. I have a number of archive files...
View ArticleFF.au3 _FFStart ==> Invalid data type: (URL)
hello, I have the problem with FF.au3 start function when I run local link like: _FFStart("http://ws001-test/index.php") but _FFStart("") work fine any suggestions? thanks
View Articlegrief with nested for loops and multi-dimensional arrays
Hi guys Im working on a script to parse a CSV file (delimited with ;'s) I read the file to an array then i want to use a nested loop to step through the array use stringsplit() to create a second array...
View Article_ExcelWriteCell() Doesn't Write Text To Cell
I have a script that opens an Excel file that is stored on a network drive and updates some of the cells using _ExcelWriteCell. Occasionally, the Excel file will open just fine but the target cells...
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