Here is the code I am working with
I got this script from and modified it slightly
My goal is to have this script (turned into an exe) constinatly running and looking for the app iexplorer.exe and when it is open, have this AutoIT script close it after it being idle for so many minutes. I have tried the If _Timer_GetIdleTime() variable with no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
[ autoit ]
#include <Timers.au3> ;Declare the Timer: Global $TIMER = TimerInit() While 1 ;If this application is active then reset the timer: If WinActive("iexplorer.exe") Then $TIMER = TimerInit() EndIf ;if the timer is more than 15 minutes then: If TimerDiff($TIMER) >= 1 * 60 * 1000 Then MsgBox (0, "Time reached", "You have been idle for more than 1 minutes.") ProcessClose("iexplorer.exe") Exit EndIf ;Sleep for 1 seconds before looping again: Sleep(1000) WEnd
I got this script from and modified it slightly
My goal is to have this script (turned into an exe) constinatly running and looking for the app iexplorer.exe and when it is open, have this AutoIT script close it after it being idle for so many minutes. I have tried the If _Timer_GetIdleTime() variable with no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated