now in my script using command "RUN" I open an istance of Explorer
Run("explorer.exe /e,c:\")
but i need that in some circumstance the folder is different,
but if i send new command with new folder:
Run("explorer.exe G:\NewFolder\Test")
new istance of explorer is opened and i don't want this.
How can i do to open new folder in the same istance of explorer that is
Active [ IF WinActive then.... ]
(i want that work similar ....as user click directly on folder panel of explorer)
Can someone give me a suggestion ??
now in my script using command "RUN" I open an istance of Explorer
Run("explorer.exe /e,c:\")
but i need that in some circumstance the folder is different,
but if i send new command with new folder:
Run("explorer.exe G:\NewFolder\Test")
new istance of explorer is opened and i don't want this.
How can i do to open new folder in the same istance of explorer that is
Active [ IF WinActive then.... ]
(i want that work similar ....as user click directly on folder panel of explorer)
Can someone give me a suggestion ??