Hey ppl, having a problem where im using this:
to populate the list, and it stops as down as the scroll bar can go...if you know what i mean.
So the list is 3000+ items, and it will only go as far as 390. but, when i import folders and subfolders, it will populate the list with all files! :S
[ autoit ]
Func LoadList() $ReadSection = IniReadSection($iFile, 'PlayList') If @error Then MsgBox(64, 'Info', 'Nothing to load! This means it couldn't find the ini file, please save a playlist first.') Else For $i = 1 To $ReadSection[0][0] $Numbers = $i $array4 = StringLen($ReadSection[$i][1]) $array3 = StringInStr($ReadSection[$i][1], "\", 0, -1) $array2 = $array4 - $array3 $arrayL = StringTrimRight($ReadSection[$i][1], $array2) $arrayR = StringTrimLeft($ReadSection[$i][1], $array3) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($Numbers & '|' & $arrayL & '|' & $arrayR, $cListView) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS) Next $ListClick = $Id GUICtrlSetState($ListClick, $GUI_FOCUS) EndIf EndFunc ;==>LoadList
to populate the list, and it stops as down as the scroll bar can go...if you know what i mean.
So the list is 3000+ items, and it will only go as far as 390. but, when i import folders and subfolders, it will populate the list with all files! :S