I am having a problem getting the data (printer names) from my array to show up in the RunWait command. The data is read from an .ini file and used to create check-boxes. In a later function (_PrinterInstall) it should be read again and used in the RunWait command to install the network printer. When the command runs, the place where the printer name would be is blank.
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Global $hService ;GUISetBkColor(0x33ccff) $iLeft = (.6 * $GUIwidth) $iTop = 0 $iTop = $iTop + 20 While 1 RunWait(@SystemDir & "\RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /in /q /u /n\\" & $printserver & "\" & $printarr[$i])
The contents of the .ini file I am using
PrinterList = PRT_BC_Counter_53, PRT_GL_Counter_49, PRT_GR_AcctsPayable_30, PRT_GR_APCheck, PRT_GR_Credit_31, PRT_GR_Exec_40, PRT_GR_Fireplaces, PRT_GR_HVACBuyers_62, PRT_GR_KitchensColor_61, PRT_GR_KitchensHP_54, PRT_GR_Outlet, PRT_GR_PartsCounter_24, PRT_GR_Ship_4, PRT_GR_ShippingOffice_39, PRT_GR_VaultColor_25, PRT_HL_Counter_50, PRT_HW_Counter_81, PRT_HW_Motors_64, PRT_HW_Shipping_63, PRT_KW_BackOffice_37, PRT_KW_Color_36, PRT_KZ_Counter_57, PRT_LN_COUNTER_79, PRT_Ls_Counter_56, PRT_MC_Counter_51, PRT_MU_Counter_87, PRT_MW_Counter_12, PRT_PL_Counter_59, PRT_PT_Counter_82, PRT_PT_HPG, PRT_SB_Counter_86, PRT_SF_Counter_83, PRT_TR_Counter_85, PRT_TY_Counter_84
PrintServer = ad1
height = 400
width = 500
name = WMSDIST