Help for despairing newcomer..
Hi all, I am quite new to AutoIT but can see its potential for me as I am undertaking a project to package up several older applications for deployment across a Windows 7 estate. The problem I am...
View ArticleRegExp - analyze Script - Switch / case / EndSwitch
I want to use RegExp to analyze script Switch $sStringChecking Case '1' $sTestString = 'test1' Case '2' $sTestString = 'test1' $sTestString = 'test2' Case '3'...
View ArticleIsolate text file name from .txt (extension)
Hello, I have basic knowledge of AutoIt3 and I looked at this forum very often for my codes, but is a first time that i make a new topic, so i'm new on this forum, and before ask for help I want just...
View ArticleXprotec _Datediff already defined error
I am trying to use Xprotec on a script I wrote. But because Include Xprotect and my scrpt both are using _Datediff, I get a Datediff already defined error. Anyone ever seen this and figured out a way...
View Articlecompare mouse cursor position - code efficiency
is there a better way of writing this code? i am interested in speed/efficiency more than readability i want to get the cursor position at 2 different times, then compare them to see if it was moved...
View ArticleScript to Open IE, Save URL and page content into flat file, then close
Hello AutoIters I am just looking for a push in the right direction. I am wanting to have a script to: 1. check all open Internet Explorer pages (pages are already open, so no need to open them...
View ArticleProblem with _FileCreate and FileOpenDialog
Hi, I have a problem with this code. AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <...
View ArticleRead data and allow user edit them
I'm not sure how to say this, but... Instead of using local INI file, I plan to put those INI setting on MySQL database on the cloud, so my scripts no matter where it's physically, as long as it has...
View ArticleData from array not being inserted in command.
I am having a problem getting the data (printer names) from my array to show up in the RunWait command. The data is read from an .ini file and used to create check-boxes. In a later function...
View ArticleRunasWait autoit with spaces in path
My Autoit file runs under system credentials (i believe) , after a windows deployment using setupcomplete.cmd And because of that a program i try to install wont install. What i like to do is create...
View ArticleLicensed Active X Control
I need a little help- I have an ActiveX control that requires a run-time license. I do have the license. I've searched the forums extensively and only see a few fleeting references to this. I'm not...
View ArticleInput Between Strings
Hey quick question! I am trying to input a folder name that will be inputed by the user when the script starts to obtain the correct location for the file. For example $Input =...
View ArticleEmbed Images In EXE When Compiling
Hi Everyone, I have two images that I use with my script; however I can't seem to figure out how to include these images in the exe when compiling. Help would be appreciative. Thanks!
View ArticlePull info from a text file and set as variable
I've been reading and have found a few threads that mention this, but the text file is where the variables are defined and is standard. I work in IT for a small company and I am working on a process...
View ArticleTCP injection/manipulation?
I'M not sure if this is an "allowed" topic as i haven't seen any relating to this. But isit possible to use TCP packet injection/manipulation with AUtoit Or simply put IS there any library or...
View Articleshuffling and unshuffling
Is there a better way to output and/or read back in, a jumbled mess and its key. The following is a simple alphabet example of the effect, my major concern is the _arraysearch in the unshuffle and the...
View ArticleAdlibRegister
I'm trying to use AdlibRegister to do a WinWaitActive, and type some credentials for me. I'm only doing it this way because I need to type the credentials into a popup that appears from a previous...
View ArticleTrying to combine 2 lines
On a script i have this scenario which im trying to solve If IsArray($CleanUpData) Then Select Case IsArray($CleanUpData) $aRarFile = _RecFileListToArray(@ScriptDir, "*.rar|*.part*", 1, 0)...
View ArticleSimulating a click without using the mouse at all
Hello, i am interested to know whether it's possible to simulate a left mouse click without using the mouse at all.Note,that i am not saying without moving the cursor. The reason behind my question is...
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