So last night I wrote a script to find and image and click on, it work perfectly all night while testing. When I woke up this morning it not longer worked for some reason and I have no idea what couldn't changed. The script still finds the image, and right after I post a msgbox to make sure it hits that line of code and returns x,y, but the mouse click never fires
It does however fire once if I click back to Scite? But only once since the window is not longer active, it's almost as if there is a setting in Scite that needs focus? Or maybe the window is all of a sudden blocking automated mouse clicks somehow?
Any ideas?
#include <ImageSearch.au3> Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1) $WinName = "TestWindow" $ImageLoc = "z:\dev\Images\TestImage.png" HotKeySet("{F2}", "ClickImage") HotKeySet("x", "Stop") $X= 0 $Y= 0 Main() Func Main() while 1 sleep(10) IF WinActive($WinName) Then ClickImage() EndIf wend EndFunc Func ClickImage() $result = _ImageSearch($ImageLoc ,1,$X,$Y,5) IF $result=1 Then MsgBox(0, "", "Found Image at" & $X& ":"& $Y) MouseMove($X, $Y) MouseClick("left") EndIf Sleep(100) EndFunc Func Stop() ;to allow the script to stop Exit EndFunc