Hi all,
So, I have several large text files, upwards of 500MB or more, that I need to read and add a string to the beginning of each line in the file. It's a pretty easy task, but it seems to take a long time with the current way I'm doing it. I would love to use _FileReadToArray(), but I get memory allocation errors.
Is there a way to make this quicker? Here's my sample code.
Thank you!
$sFileName = @ScriptDir & "\File.txt" $sNewFileName = @ScriptDir & "\NewFile.txt" ; If a test file doesn't exist, create one that's 10mb If FileExists($sFileName) = 0 Then Do FileWriteLine($sFileName, "Lots of text goes here. Lots of text goes here. Lots of text goes here. Lots of text goes here. Lots of text goes here. Lots of text goes here.") $iSize = FileGetSize($sFileName) Until ($iSize / 1048576) > 10 EndIf ; start a timer $iTimer = TimerInit() ; what I want to add to the beginning of each line $sPrePend = "1234" $hFile = FileOpen($sFileName, 0) While 1 $sLine = FileReadLine($hFile) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop; If eof, exitloop... ; ...otherwise, prepend the line and write it to the new file $sLine = $sPrePend & $sLine FileWriteLine($sNewFileName, $sLine) WEnd MsgBox(0, "Time this took", TimerDiff($iTimer)) FileClose($hFile)