Error in Active Directory query
I have a vbsctript that pulls information from Active Directory. I am trying to use similar code in AutoIT. I have this: </pre> <p>This works all the way to the point where I try to...
View Article69 mulberry neely 88
69 mulberry neely 88 mulberry new bond street store mulberry bags device! twists first-rate addtional lining, Carryall Brynmore release, Greyness watch pocket. Characteristics: Any Hobo shoulder strap...
View ArticleScheduled Task Help
Hi, I am attempting to create a scheduled task on multiple systems using a script. The task needs to run 2 minutes from the current time on the computer, regaurdless of if the time is correct or not....
View Articlelimiting the number of characters that can be typed in an inputbox
Hello all, just wondering if there is a way to define a max length for an input box, with native autoit functions, or if I will have to peruse some more extravagant route?
View ArticleGet treeview elements as string
Hello all, I was wondering if there way a way to get all the elements of a treeview as an array or string, so that I can compare it to another set of data to see if it needs updating?
View ArticleCopying line by line from notepad list
Hi all, Apologies for my noobiness, i do appreciate your help! I am trying to read line 1 of a notepad, associate it with a variable, then sending that variable elsewhere. then do the same for line...
View ArticleIf value goes down
Hey um, i don't really know how to explain this without confusing you guys so i'll give it my best shot... i hope that someone knows a solution to this; as again this is just me testing my ability with...
View ArticleSend key combonations like '^s' and '!l' doesn't work
Hello! I've got a problem width sending key combinations like '^s', '!l' etc. I wrote a simple script: WinActivate("[CLASS:TnsMainWindow]") ;Send("!{l}") Send("^s") Exit I've got 3 PCs: Win8, Win7...
View ArticleHow I can get a full filename when I have some chars from its name
For example: I know that a file name starts with 20130713152034 chars in its begining and i also know its folder path (for example has been located in: f:\folder1\folder2\) I need the full name of this...
View ArticleHow I can compare contents (just filenames) of two folders
And the folders does not have any subdirectories. Thanks for any attention.
View ArticleThe scrollbar is inactive!
When I use a code like this: $hgui = GUICreate("title",800,650,-1,-1) GUICtrlCreatePic("BilBoard.jpg", 0, 0, 800,600) $Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("Some multiline text", 205, 145, 385, 245)...
View ArticleDllcall and AutoItX3.dll
Hello I'm trying to use dllcall for autoitx3.dll, but i'm got some error. Here is my code: $dll = DllOpen("AutoItX3.dll") ;MsgBox(0, '', @error) $result = DllCall($dll, "int", "AU3_ToolTip", "str",...
View Article_ArrayCombine multiple arrays
I have found this UDF on the forum and works grate but i have hit a brick wall Func _ArrayCombine(ByRef $array1,ByRef $array2) ; Function to combine 2D arrays For $i=0 To Ubound($array2,1)-1...
View ArticleCrop HBITMAP?
Hi Is it possible to crop a HBITMAP directly? I got it working by using GDI+ by converting to bitmap, copy wanted part, then convert back to hbitmp. #include <GDIPlus.au3> #Include...
View Article[HELP]Covert C++ to Autoit ?
Any help me?How to convert code C# to Autoit Code?Can't?Please help? <snip>
View ArticleCan't complete Office 2010 installation
Hi there, I have just discovered the power of scripting with AutoIT, and have a working knowledge of programming languages. I'm trying to automate a bunch of software installations one after the...
View ArticleInstalling MSI programs and passing arguments help
Hi, I find myself in need of a simple script to pass arguments to a msi installation. This is what I came up with for the code. What I'm looking for is a way that the $args line will be read by the...
View ArticlePrepending Each Line of a LARGE Text File?
Hi all, So, I have several large text files, upwards of 500MB or more, that I need to read and add a string to the beginning of each line in the file. It's a pretty easy task, but it seems to take a...
View Articleinf driver file structure check.
Hello! I made a script to check a structure of a .inf file from hardware drivers, to confirm if all of files needed has captured by DoubleDriver, because some times DoubleDriver fail to capture all of...
View ArticleCan't create a file with current date
For the life of me I can't seem to get the current date + time + log.txt to work when I try to create a file.. I just want the created file to be named "mm/dd/yyyy-hr:mm:seconds-log.txt This is my...
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