Simply trying to get autoit to open command prompt and then enter a line to get robocopy to mirror a directory to another location and make a log file as well. Here is what I am struggling with.
"robocopy" "C:\Users\Ryan\Downloads" "E:\hi" /MIR /W:5 /R:3 /LOG: "E:\SyncIT\log" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & @YEAR & "-" & "copylist.log"
I may be making this super complicated, but here's what I want to do. Mirror C:\Users\Ryan\Downloads to E:\hi and have it make a log file in E:\SyncIT\log, and name each log file look like this: 7-31-2013-copylist.log.
I am somewhat new to autoit so I apologize if this is a ridiculously stupid error. Thanks.