Real Window Width/Height, WindowBlinds
I'm using WindowBlinds, VOX 2 Style. When I WinMove() the width and height show quite a bit short when measured on screen (14px!), WinGetPos() returns the proper numbers, but when attempting placement...
View ArticleOutlook 2007 export script?
I need to export all mailbox items *other than email* from an Exchange mailbox into single purpose pst files (ex. calender.pst, contacts.pst, etc). In looking through the Outlook.udf threads I'm not...
View ArticleDouble Click Script
Hello, I'm new to auto-it, and don't have any real script writing ability. I was looking at the FAQ and online for a simple double click script to loop and run in a program window. My computer runs...
View ArticleIs it possible to load an external autoit file not on the computer?
Okay so here's my situation. I'm working on a tool to host a server for clients to send information to via autoit. The PC running the server will also be hosting a minecraft server. It's basically to...
View ArticleAny help me to complete this functions
AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include <guiconstants.au3> #include <guiconstantsex.au3> #include <inet.au3> $interface=guicreate("My Gui",303,454,5,5)...
View ArticlePrevent AutoIt script from being stripped from Exe?
I have been experimenting with various file optimizer programs, and came across this problem twice: the script is stripped from an AutoIt compiled program every time, causing an 'Unable to open the...
View ArticleMake a label at the bottom of the window, and have its text be dynamic?
Like the question, what direction should I take to make a label that can change its text. Like the bottom of a browser for example, its got the black line and when you connect to websites it will show...
View Articlemacro needs updating?
I had the occasion today to use @OSVersion on a Windows 8 machine. It returned UNKNOWN. I was able to deal with it, but thought I would mention it on the forum in case it had been overlooked. Thanks.
View ArticleDesktop Workarea, multiple monitors
I can get the 'workarea' of the primary monitor using: Func _GetDesktopArea() Local Const $SPI_GETWORKAREA = 48 Local $tWorkArea = DllStructCreate($tagRECT)...
View ArticleRunWait Syntax
hi all, I am trying to run test.exe with these parameters: test.exe -di -idedir=scriptdir\files\ides -p=scriptdir\files\scanlogs\%computername%.log here is what I have but it is not working:...
View ArticleGet youtube links
my question is in regards to im not really looking for 4K links. HD in general would be ok, but this code only seems to...
View ArticleLoad Wait Function
Hey All, I have a script that is filling out screens in a program and controlsend commands are being sent. I have a status bar instance control, where the visible text always contains the string...
View ArticleHow to get the path of a file dropped on a autoit compoiled exe?
I have compiled a Test.exe running which it open the fileopendialog and asks to select a executable and then passes its path to another commandline program, now i want when i drop a exe on to the...
View ArticlePass value between 2 Auotit compiled applications
How I can pass a value or variable between 2 application that both have been compiled with AutoIt? Is "Environment Variables" a good idea? or there is another way. aslo i don't want to do this by...
View ArticleIs it a bug?
I have a while loop and a FileCopy command in it. like this: While 1 Sleep(10000) FileCopy("F:\Source\*.*", "F:\Dest\*.*",0) WEnd I use the "0" flag for prevent overwriting all files and...
View Articlehow to cut some text a big text
i have a text axample : " i want to go home with my girl friend " string i want to get is : "go home" how can i get it
View Articleimport excel macro
Hi Everyone, I am trying to import an excel macro into a workbook using autoit - I DID originally have this working however accidently deleted the script Cant figure out how to make it work...
View ArticleNeed help to learn some things
1.How can I add a background in my gui? (Image attached) 2.How can I change the cross,minimize and maximize buttons' color? 3.How to add a icon next to my button's text?
View Article_ArraySearch - AU3Check REF: first call to _ArraySearch()
$vValue = _ArraySearch($aMyArray, '1') Why AU3Check report that message REF: first call to _ArraySearch()
View ArticleMirroring directories.
Simply trying to get autoit to open command prompt and then enter a line to get robocopy to mirror a directory to another location and make a log file as well. Here is what I am struggling with....
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