So i use the following function in this program I am writing
Hotkeyset("{ASC 097},"randomfunc")
For some reason, the ascii character 097 (which corresponds to the lower-case alphabet character "a") only wants to work when I type a CAPITAL A (shift + A)
If I change the ascii code to the proper code for a capital A, it works fine just like it should. But in this case I can't seem to capture a lowercase letter.
Here is the program that I have so far, you can run it and I would be interested in what results you get.
Hotkeyset("{ASC 097}","randomfunc")
While 1
Func randomfunc()
msgbox(0,"","detected a stroke")
;$file = fileopen("c:\users\travis\desktop\test.txt",1)
Note that I've commented-out the lines that involve writing a file to your (likely) non-existant desktop for user: Travis.
Hotkeyset("{ASC 097},"randomfunc")
For some reason, the ascii character 097 (which corresponds to the lower-case alphabet character "a") only wants to work when I type a CAPITAL A (shift + A)
If I change the ascii code to the proper code for a capital A, it works fine just like it should. But in this case I can't seem to capture a lowercase letter.
Here is the program that I have so far, you can run it and I would be interested in what results you get.
Hotkeyset("{ASC 097}","randomfunc")
While 1
Func randomfunc()
msgbox(0,"","detected a stroke")
;$file = fileopen("c:\users\travis\desktop\test.txt",1)
Note that I've commented-out the lines that involve writing a file to your (likely) non-existant desktop for user: Travis.