Help with DLLCall
Hi community, a new member here! I'll come from AHK but now i'm tired and i want to use a better coding software like autoit I have some problem with DLLCall, this was the original script: #NoEnv...
View Articleset file path as a varaible
Hi, I have environment variable %FreeDown% to directory c:\Shared\FreeDown. how can i set a varaible to access file: rowHigh.xml. something like: strfile = %FreeDown%\rowHigh.xml Thanks
View ArticleIssue clicking on "shipment progress" with ups tracking
Hello, If you go to the UPS tracking site( and enter a tracking number you get to a page that has the tracking details. There are two (menus?) that collapse....
View ArticleTCPStartup() not receiving all the data.
I'm using something like this... [ autoit ] popup TCPStartup() Local $ConnectedSocket, $szData ;Local $szIPADDRESS = @IPAddress1 Local $szIPADDRESS = TCPNameToIP ( $_MonitorNameIP ) Local $nPORT...
View ArticleGrabbing URL from window control link
I did some searching and couldn't find anything on this issue. Basically I am looking to grab the URL from a link in a window. I can see the window, its text and buttons. From the AU3Info tool I get:...
View Articlehotkeyset ?
So i use the following function in this program I am writing Hotkeyset("{ASC 097},"randomfunc") For some reason, the ascii character 097 (which corresponds to the lower-case alphabet character "a")...
View ArticleRead determined value of .INF file
Hi there, So I got this .INF file, example: // Some text // Another text Version=1.0 And I'm trying to get only the value 1.0 in my script. I tried: [ autoit ] popupIniRead(@ScriptDir &...
View ArticlePeculiar "Subscript used without an array variable" error on a 1x3 array
;Copy the [n][3] ObjectTable from the class properties local $aObjectTable = $oSelf.ObjectTable ;Determine [n] local $iElements = UBound($aObjectTable,1) ;Debug script - Output says 1 row, 3 columns...
View ArticleLooking for Auto Key Pressing Script Help
I've been looking for the past hour or so through forums trying to find a general layout and explanation of how to make a script that would automatically press keys, one after the other (not at the...
View ArticleProblem with IE!!!
My script: #include <IE.au3> $oIE = _IECreate ("") $oForms = _IEFormGetCollection ($oIE) MsgBox(0, "Forms Info", "There are " & @extended...
View ArticleProblem with IniRead and non standard Ini file
Hello all, I have a strange problem with IniRead. I receive some INI file; they are very large file with a big amount of data. Unfortunately, they seems not standard INI (and I can't change this...
View Articlereduce in system tray a guy
hi guy exist a option for gui for have a button for reduce the gui directly in systemtry ??? like first button in emule
View ArticleLooking for help with CommMG and Arduino
Hey all, I'm trying to teach myself more about interfacing with an Arduino using Auto-it, and as a result I wrote these scripts cobbled from other things I found in this forum: [ autoit ]...
View ArticleMinimal system requirements of Movie Maker
Im looking for something like this: if "CPU" > 2.40 AND "MEM" > 1 Then "Install This" Else "Install This" EndIf How i can make the CPU values and mem values for check the if? The...
View Article_GDIPlus question
Okay, so I want to make this script do the function new1, 2, or 3 every time either one of the "players" hit a line alredy created. How can I make it check if it tries to create a new line where there...
View Articlesleep/hibernate and wake
hi guys here goes, so i have a simple script for running a program Func exitthescript() Exit EndFunc HotKeySet( "q", "exitthescript" ) While 1 ;Dim $box[4] = [0, 0, 10, 10] ;MouseClick("left",...
View Articlenew window and copy text
hello : from an IE window, I click on a link. A new IE window opens. I want to copy the text from this new window to an Excel cell. I only got the title of the window and not the content of this window...
View ArticleNone of Mouse Click function working. Please help.
Hi, I'm trying to automate a application setup but none of the function is working for mouse click. I'm using this code: [ autoit ] popupRun("recuva.exe") WinWaitActive("recuva", "Terms of Use")...
View ArticleIf more then one file of a specific type of extension exist?
**Solved** I am looking to code something to check if more then one type of file exists in a directory. If they do, re-name both files (including extension) then continue. I can't seem to wrap my head...
View Articlehow do i code this string
I am working with a tandem emulator which has a send key function. autoit send and controlsend do not work. i have the following instructions The following keystroke codes can be used with the Send...
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