hi my friends,,,
really i miss you
forever i need your help by this famous forum
i want delete old files that are created befor 20 days in some folder
really i try to do some script but i feel headache because this script is difficult
really i miss you
forever i need your help by this famous forum
i want delete old files that are created befor 20 days in some folder
really i try to do some script but i feel headache because this script is difficult
#include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> Local $FileList = _FileListToArray(@DesktopDir&"\New folder") If @error = 4 Then MsgBox(0, "", " Folder is empty.") Exit Else MsgBox(0,""," folder is not empty") Global $aList=(@DesktopDir&"\New folder\*.*") Global $aList_2D[UBound($aList)][2] For $i = 1 To $aList[0] $aList_2D[$i][0] = $aList[$i] $aList_2D[$i][1] = StringRegExpReplace($aList[$i], ".*(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).(\d\d).*", "$3$1$2$4$5$6") Next For $i = 20 To $aList[0] FileDelete($sPath & $aList_2D[$i][0] Next EndIf