Hi, I have a log with bunch of text and numbers.
text then space than 3 random numbers then space then 1-6 random numbers then space then "text"
some text 528 470316 "some text"
I need to put @TAB insted of space ONLY between numbers
some text 528@TAB470316@TAB"some text"
text then space than 3 random numbers then space then 1-6 random numbers then space then "text"
some text 528 470316 "some text"
I need to put @TAB insted of space ONLY between numbers
some text 528@TAB470316@TAB"some text"
[ autoit ]
Local $sInput = 'some text 528 470316 "some text"' Local $sOutput = StringRegExpReplace($sInput, '<WHAT HERE?>', '<WHAT HERE?>') MsgBox(0, "Results", $sOutput)