Accidental DirRemoved the wrong folder
Is it deleted into the void? Because i can't find it in my trash bin. Any help/suggestions where i can find my deleted folders/files will be appriciated. Im allready running a recuvva scan.
View ArticleA Question on RunWait
Hey, I need help running a program "Epw.exe" using Runwait and in the same line of runwait, asking it to open a textfile. The documentation is on this page:
View ArticleCopy just spesific files from a folder and its subfolders
Hello For example: I want to copy just *.ico files from c:\Windows and from its all subfolders to d:\myFolder what is the quick way? without using xcopy
View ArticleString subtraction
Excuse me for my weakness. What is the quick way to subtract a string from another. For example: $sMain = "quick way to subtract a string from another" $sSubString = "y to subt" How I can get...
View ArticleOpen file that is in password protected folder
Hi all! Is there a way to Run/Open a file in a password protected folder? Cant seem to find any code to allow me to enter a password and it just errors out when trying to access the file. Any...
View ArticlePackage Creation without Aut2Exe ?
Guys i have compiled app created with Autoit !! The app create INI file with some config. !! i want to create a exe that will bind two files 1.My second app ".exe" 2.INI Config File ".ini" so...
View ArticleHow can we differentiate two windows
Hi AutoIT Team, Can anybody suggest which functions i can use to differentiate between two windows which have the same name, same title and both are opened. Actually i was trying to make a script...
View ArticlePlease Help Me Get the Object Variables Pointing to the IE Tabs with an Array
This is my test code: AutoIt expandcollapse popup#include <IE.au3> Local $oIE $oIE = _IECreate("", 0, 1, 1, 1) __IENavigate($oIE, "", 0,...
View ArticleDirecting Reg changes to the user, not the admin that ran the exe
I am making a AutoIT to install a program and make all the nessicary registry changes that need to be done with it. The problem is all these changes are in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, so when I run this exe as...
View ArticleInetGet error 13 when using VPN
I'm using InetGet to download some files but get an error "13" with InetGet after the 4th download. This occurs while using Hidemyass Pro VPN. If I can understand what error 13 actually means I'll...
View ArticleCant get it to loop
Alright this is a script i am working on and trying to get it to run and check for a infinite number of times untill i decide to stop it. $pixel = PixelSearch(395, 63, 430, 81, 0XC60000) if...
View ArticleDllStructGetSize byte size
Hi,I don't understand how the size of the structure works. I know that an int has a size of 4 bytes, if I get the size of the struct then I have 4 bytes;a byte has as size of 1 byte, if I get the size...
View ArticleCannot automate visual studio 2010 install via AutoIt
Hi Folks, new here and brand new to scripting in general. I have begun to make a script that will allow for an unattended installation of an addin my company is deploying. However, this executable...
View ArticleQuestion about SciTE Config
I just wanted to confirm some behavior for SciTe Config. I added a User Includes folder, and added several UDFs in there (OutlookEX, AD, etc.). After doing so, the autocomplete comes up just fine when...
View ArticleUsing EAGetMail in AutoIT
This page explains it in detail. When installing EAGetMail on my machine I noticed a COM DLL file named "EAGetMailObj.dll". The help file explains how to use it in VBS and VC++. Here's the VBS code:...
View ArticleScript ran through SCCM 2012 doesn't finish
Hi people, I'm new to both SCCM 2012 and autoit scripts. My aim is to install and activate a program called MapInfo. I am installing MapInfo using a command wrapped in a batch file. I have...
View ArticleHour Input UpDown Control
Hi, it's hard to explain so i'll post some images Did you know when you try to change the hour on Windows? You have the big clock and the input control. I'm intrested to this image: If i click on the...
View ArticleHyperlink in text
I've some EditBoxs in my AutoIt project with some texts in it and some hyperlinks in it. My users say to me that they want to see Hyperlinks as active. By cliking on them, automatically browse the URL...
View Articlemousemove in window
Alright im trying to get my mouse to click in a certain Window and it never seems to work, on the desktop i can get it to go where i want but its not working in my other window. i google searched and...
View ArticleHow to click on this button? HELP!!!
Please guys. For a few days, i've been trying to click on this button using IE10, but nothing works. Help plz!!! The html is: <div class="btn-buy-pdt"> <form id="frmP" name="frm"...
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