Show Screen Resolution dialog and refresh rate
Hi If I hit Alt+R and then type "control desk.cpl" then I get to the Display -> Screen Resolution in Windows 7. Same if I type "RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,3" for instance. But...
View ArticleParameters are not getting passed to next function
Greetings fellow newbies and pros! So I've been looking for answers the whole evening, but couldn't find any that fit my problem. Basically it is pretty basic, but somehow I can't get it to work....
View Article[SOLVED] ProgressBar Marquee Size
Hi guys, I'm using the _ProgressMarquee by guinness. Work fine, but i have a little problem. If i remove the style to the GUICtrlCreateProgress, the size of the red element is too little ( i don't know...
View ArticleDeleting single line of txt file
I want to delete single line of text from a .txt file and cannot get it to work. First I use [ autoit ] popup$lineDelete = FileOpen("test.txt", 1) And than [ autoit ]...
View ArticleInternet Remote
Okay, so, I'd like to remotely control my computer at home while I'm at school. I have acces to internet at both places. I can like write commands on a page, and my computer does them at home, but...
View ArticleIs there a way to pass multiple numbers to a function as a single parameter?
So I've run into a very simple problem. I've looked at what I can think of in the documentation for an answer, and I have searched the forums, but I haven't found a solution just yet (mostly I'm not...
View Articlehelp with very simple script
Hi! I am a total noob at using autoit but I would like to do something very simple I was hoping somebody could point me in the correct direction. All I need is to allow me to be able to press one...
View ArticleNamedPipes.au3 and FileConstants.au3 define $FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
Hello, I've found out, that the above mentioned two UDF's define the $FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED and $FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH constants with different values. Any advice would be appreciated.
View Article[Solved] Call Function with specific variables
Hi, Is it possible to call a func with specific variables in option? like that: $toto = 1 $Titi = 2 func start () msgbox ("","",$x) endfunc start(where $x = $toto) start(where $x = $Titi)
View ArticleAmending the FAQ in the help file.
The brilliant thing about the help file is it's actually a community project, albeit a couple of MVPs have access to the editing the files. Besides this, user input is invaluable because the more we...
View ArticleQuery The Current Printer Name Set For Adobe Reader X
I'm running Adobe Reader 10.1.5 on Windows 7 64 bit german version. AutoIt is and When I try to extract the currently selected printer from the combobox I always get the first 4...
View Article[Solved]While with changing variable
Hi, Is there any way to modify a variable name automatically in a loop.Something like: $1_toto = "titi"$2_toto ="tutu"x=1While x <= 2 msgbox ("","",$x_toto) (Where x should be 1 the first time and 2...
View Articlefound a problem - hasnt done this in the past
Hi, I found a problem with @OSVersion I'm using windows 7 ultimate but this returns the value WIN_VISTA. I havn't noticed it do this before so I opened a new script and created a message box like the...
View ArticleCompare two version strings
Hi everyone, I have to walk an array filled with version numbers and I have to find the highest one. For example I could have [0] => "" [1] => "" [2] => "5.0.85" [3] =>...
View ArticleRemove Duplicate lines through RegExp
Something problem from mount...What's wrong with this code? Thanks so much [ autoit ] popup#include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> Dim $aArray $opentxt = FileOpenDialog('Choose TXT',...
View Article[solved] String split by pattern
Hello, I'm lost again....(as always ) I tried different approaches, _StringBetween, StringRegExp, StringInStr.... but in the end non of my approaches worked fine. Every time I ended up like this: As I...
View Article[SQLITE] Rearranging table
Hello folks! I have an massive amount of data and I started to sort it with Autoit, but it started to be quite slow. After I realized how awesome SQLITE is, I started using it within Autoit. As I...
View ArticleMac & Windows File Share Lock
i have a multi os system and i found out that when Mac is copying a file to an SMB share windows can delete it while its getting written and vice versa. i'm looking on how to read shared permissions...
View Articleparse xml script returns -1
I tried with multiple options but my script seems to always return -1.. Can you please help me My XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <testResults> <buildNumber...
View Article_DateDiff help
Im trying to compare two strings which contain date information in the format "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss tt" this is the code $pcdate = _Now() ConsoleWrite($tdate & " " & $pcdate & @CRLF)...
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