Pulling information from E-Mail
Hello all, Part of my job is finding people who download files illegally, and I get a few hundred to a few thousand emails a day regarding this. I've been trying to build an automatic script for a...
View ArticleRegadd
Hi guys , how can i use this registry by RegAdd(...) Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\MMC\FX:{b05566ac-fe9c-4368-be02-7a4cbb7cbe11}]...
View Article#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before command not working
I am using the following command: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Before=xcopy "%scriptdir%\Resources\*" "\\NetComp\docs\Resources" /s /i When I compile, the console outputs this: xcopy "C:\Sources\Resources\*"...
View ArticleDo Slider limits have maximum values?
I'm using a slider to access data packets in a file. The number of packets is variable, I've had over 1M. I'm using: GUICtrlSetLimit ($idSliderReplay, $FilePackets-1, 0) to set the slider limits....
View ArticleFilter EventLog
Hi, in C# I can set a filter when I read the Event log. Example: I only want the Errors from the application Event log, the SourceName should be "MyApp", the CategoryString should be "whatever" and...
View ArticleMouseMove () issue using IE10
I have a program to run mousemove that works fine on a machine running IE8 but some machines that have IE10 do not preform properly. I use the mousemove to scan over fields looking for a specific file...
View ArticleImagesearch else? search for more than 1 image?
As the title says I'm wondering if it is possible to let autoit search for 10 pictures at the same time or let is look for 0 then for 1 then for 2 then for 3 and so on. Important is that once it find 3...
View ArticleHow to get data from excel file without open it
Hi, I try to consolidate data from big xlsx files without open them I would like to use something like Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12. Does AutoIt allow to do this? Thanks for any help.
View ArticleHow to stop script no close program?
Hello! I wonder if we can stop/pause(to start at the beginning or paus as in tray) the script use button? (without using hotkey and without leaving the gui!) I searched the forum but found only...
View ArticleEmbedded IE - javascript problem
Hey lovely forum dwellers, I'm having a problem with the use of javascript (jquery + plugins) in an embedded IE control. I've created a GUI which has an embedded IE control and Im having a problem...
View ArticleGImageX v2.1.1 crash
When retrieving info from a wim file it crashes if the description field is too long with many characters.
View ArticleCalculating the average of two UTC times
Hi there, I would like to calculate the average of two UTC times, start and end each with three variables (H:M:S). Excel has a nice function which considers the special format:...
View ArticleHelp with mouse movement
Hello all, I am new to the forum and autoit in general. I didn't find what I wanted to do in the help file. I am wondering how I can get autoit to click at a specific pixel and then drag a specific...
View ArticleGet a letter from Skype Chat Window?
Hi everyone, I'm giving my friends control of an RC Car in kind of a janky way. Basically they send me a "w, a, s, d" to control the movement of the car while talking in Skype (version,...
View ArticleGui updates dynamically with user's input - duplicates it
Good Morning Yes, it's 12 AM here LOL.. so can't say good evening... anywho lol... it's late and I'm losing it haha sry... Love you guys, love the apps and all the support! I have somewhat lost my...
View ArticleTrivago with _ff.au3
Hey guys, I'm trying to do a search with Firefox / _ff.au3 at trivago.de (.com) The click on the Search-Button works fine, but the search string is not recognized. Do you have any idea? If I send the...
View ArticleLayout options, which is the best way?
On a GUI im doing im becoming concerned about the amount of buttons and radios im adding affecting load times etc Of these 2 example options which is the better way or is there no difference? So this...
View ArticleFileOpenDialog and SQLite Error
Hi Guys, first of all i wanna thank you for this greate forum. I am a autoit newbie and leaned allready a lot (i belive) by reading this forum. Now i got to a strange problem. If i open a...
View ArticleI have written a script, but can't execute it where I want
Hello, I have made a script for my use, it works as intended, but only 3 questions: 1- I have a for loop that starts from 1 and should end at a numeber that changes with every use. Let's say now it...
View ArticleI need to read the random passwords from...
Cant get Autoit to read the random passwords from https://www.random.org/passwords/?num=1&len=8&format=html&rnd=new Can some one help? Tried using all IE functions/examples
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