Auto install for Adobe Reader
ShellExecute ( "msiexec.exe", '/i "\\server\path\Adobe\Adobe Reader\AcroRead.msi TRANSFORMS=acroread.msp" /qn' ) Sleep ( 15000 ) ShellExecute ( "msiexec.exe", '/i "\\server\path\Adobe\Adobe...
View ArticleStringRegExp Help
hello =) i am trying to get all instances of the following: the number of "-" changes Quote ;<------- begin Word or Phrase ------- > then I am trying to find all the matches for the same Word or...
View ArticleTurn off TimerInit() ?
Near the beginning of my app, I have $startTime = TimerInit() Then I test it in a loop, taking action if it runs too long, then don't bother with it again. Is there: (1) a way to turn it off? (I'm...
View Article_IENavigate - determining if timed out.
I am confused in how to determine whether the navigate action timed out. It seems from the documentation below that the return code is not valid in this determination. And other methods need to be...
View ArticleGetting file Modified date
Good Morning, I modified this code that I found on Autoit forums to display the information that I need, however there is one thing that I would like help with. Is there a way to modify this, so that...
View ArticleHelp on password-protecting a script
I set up many computers a week and have to download the same programs for them every time. So, to speed up the process I have wrote a script that will download them for me. However, some of the files...
View ArticleCan't import REG file - Windows 7
First of all, I have read countless forum topics, and no luck. I'm trying to write to:...
View ArticleConfiguring Scite editor without EXE file
Hi I have a copy of Scite that i use for coding in a few other languages and would like to add AutoIT to it, but it looks from the download section on this site that the only way to do so would be to...
View ArticleCreate shortcut to a folder?
Okay, I'm probably going to feel really stupid when I see the answer, but I just can't seem to find anything in help or the forum on how to create a shortcut that points to a directory/folder instead...
View Articlebot that recognises phrases
hi, i am looking for and needing help in making a bot that will read a selected words/phrases in a pixels square and will then alert me with an alarm, once it has found the word cheers for looking
View ArticleNewbie looking or some help with add/substracting variables
Hello I'm new here but been searching this forum and using autoit for quite sometime here. excuse my noobness... Here is an example of what I'm trying to do... find a color, if it exist, store it's X...
View ArticlePreprocessor for AutoIt created using AutoIt.
So I'm thinking about creating a preprocessor for AutoIt and was wondering on whether you had any ideas? Thanks. Quick idea: [ autoit ] expandcollapse popup#include <Array.au3> #include...
View Articlestringsplit ignore line if nothing to split?
hey guys, I'm using stringsplit to parse a log file, and I've run into a slight issue. if the delimiter does not exist in one of the lines, the program crashes when it reaches that line. is there a way...
View ArticleHow long is TimerInit() valid?
I have a looping script that I hope to one day run for months at a time. I've just started working with TimerInit() and TimerDiff() and I'm started to get some negative values so I'm guessing that...
View ArticleRearranging a table from highest price to lowest
Delete this post. Sorry I have figured out what I need Attached Files PRICES.txt 2.95K 2 downloads
View ArticlePixelSearch Code Help q.q
That's my code : [ autoit ] popup#include <Misc.au3> While 1 $Variable = PixelSearch(0,0,1023,767,0x763431) If IsArray($Variable) = True Then MouseMove($Variable [0], $Variable [1], 1)...
View Articleis there a way to pass an array to a function directly like...
is there a way to pass an array to a function directly like function(["one","two","three"])? In some cases I don't have to use the array outside the the function so I would like to avoid to do an...
View ArticleRead Folder Names and write these into variables
Hi, firstly i got to apologize for this question. I'm a total rookie and English is not my mothertongue. I need to read out some Folder Names (20-40) and write those into variables to delete those...
View ArticleLogon.vbs script help
Hi, I'm completely new to scripting and AutoIT was recommended to me. I’m trying to copy a Logon.vbs script to the Logon scripts folder in Win 7 x64 and add a registry key using AutoIT. When compiled,...
View ArticleCan't write to System32 under Win7 x64
I simply need to copy a file that disables Adobe Flash auto-update to both - System32 and SYSWOW64 system folders. [ autoit ] popupFileCopy (@ScriptDir & '\Data\mms.cfg', @WindowsDir &...
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