I am trying to return a value of 1 = pass, 0 = fail.
But I dont know if my winexists is the correct function to use?
Is there a function that after I run my command and it was successful that I can return 1 or 0.
As I think my If statement is wrong![:(]()
But I dont know if my winexists is the correct function to use?
Is there a function that after I run my command and it was successful that I can return 1 or 0.
As I think my If statement is wrong
[ autoit ]
#include-once Func RemovePath($RmPath) DirRemove($RmPath, 1) EndFunc ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; #include <..\Library\RemovePath.au3> Func Test_RemovePath() Local $var = EnvGet("HOMEDRIVE") Local $var1 = EnvGet("HOMEPATH") Local $RmPath = $var & "\" & $var1 & "\Desktop\EEX\DDX\" RemovePath($RmPath) If FileExists($RmPath) Then Return 1 Else Return 0 EndIf EndFunc