I would like to read html body as lines and then look for a text that follows after a particular string
Starting it like so:
Need to search for the string that follows after "a.src=document.location.protocol+" in the html body
which is "//dnn506yrbagrg.cloudfront.net/pages/scripts/0014/6260.js?"+Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/3600000);
Anyone already have a function that does it?
Starting it like so:
[ autoit ]
Need to search for the string that follows after "a.src=document.location.protocol+" in the html body
which is "//dnn506yrbagrg.cloudfront.net/pages/scripts/0014/6260.js?"+Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/3600000);
Anyone already have a function that does it?