hello :
from an IE window, I click on a link.
A new IE window opens.
I want to copy the text from this new window to an Excel cell.
I only got the title of the window and not the content of this window in the excel cell....
Will U have an idea?
_IELinkClickByText($oIE, "NOK" ,0)
WinwaitActive("Orchestra - diagnostic")
WinActivate("Orchestra - diagnostic")
$text = WinGetText("Orchestra - diagnostic", "")
_ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, $text,$j,2)
from an IE window, I click on a link.
A new IE window opens.
I want to copy the text from this new window to an Excel cell.
I only got the title of the window and not the content of this window in the excel cell....
Will U have an idea?
_IELinkClickByText($oIE, "NOK" ,0)
WinwaitActive("Orchestra - diagnostic")
WinActivate("Orchestra - diagnostic")
$text = WinGetText("Orchestra - diagnostic", "")
_ExcelWriteCell($oExcel, $text,$j,2)